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Transportation System in Bangladesh

There was a time when Bangladesh had a very poor transportation system. But it is developing day by day. Highways, roads, big bridges are being constructed now. Transports of various kinds are available today. Among them travelling by train is the safest & most comfortable. The transports which are mostly available can be named as train, plane, launch, bus, car, tempo, coaster etc. It must be admitted that one must face hazards in travelling. The first hazard one faces is concerned with time schedule. Secondly, whether the transports are fit to move or not. Thirdly, rush of passengers. Fourthly, damage of roads by floods, traffic jam & impact of bad, clumsy & inclement weather in connection with plane & launch journey. The transport authority should frequently check whether the transports which ply to & from different directions, are fit to move or not. In addition, roads & highways should be developed. 

The Contributions of the Rural Women in Nation Building

The rural women have to perform numerous tasks every day. Cooking foods, washing clothes, entertaining guests, looking after children, governing household are the routine work of a village women. Every day they have to perform their daily work. From down to night they have to work hard for their family. They spend hour before smoking, cooking stoves. It’s very harmful for their health. Landless & poor women are the most affected. Women’s participation in development activities is not encouraged. They can’t play any role in decision making. We have failed to involve women in our development work. But economic development without women’s participation is not possible. Their contribution to the welfare of the family is hardly recognized. It’s necessary to evaluate women’s work properly.

The Gifts of Science

Systematic & formulated knowledge is called science. Science is the study of the nature & behavior of the physical & natural world & society through observation & experiment. It has made various inventions for the comfort & development of human knowledge. The inventions of various medicines, means of transport & communication, machineries are the various gifts of science. The various inventions of science have made our lives easy & comfortable. We are indebted to science for all the comforts of life, easy & speedy transport & communication & long healthy life. Science has also made destructive weapons like atom bombs & hydrogen bombs which can kill millions of people within a short time. Thus the gifts of science can be the worst curse. But science is not responsible for this. It’s the wicked brain of man which is responsible for this curse. Science proves to be a blessing if & when it is used properly. And it is a curse when it is m...

Cultural Tradition of Bangladesh

Culture means the way of living, eating, talking & learning. It includes people’s values & beliefs as well. It has a broader & wider meaning. It comprises music, literature, drama & other aspects of fine arts too. Bangladesh has a rich & distinct culture & tradition. This culture & tradition is rooted in its soil. We have a rich heritage of music. We have different types of songs. A new type of classical music was introduced in the eighteenth century. The background of folk songs is the rural setting of life, nature, human joys & sorrows. The new era in music was created by Amir, the great musician. With the union of Persian & indigenous music, he created a new type of music. 

Changing Cultural Patterns in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi culture is gradually being replaced by the alien culture. At present satellite channels are playing the vital role in this regard. Bangladesh is rich in traditional folk songs. The major songs of our soil are Sari & various folk songs. But these songs are losing their appeal. Bangladesh is a land of music. Her folk songs are an integral part of her culture. They reflect the life & mind of her people more faithfully than anything else. Our people are also fond of modern Bengali songs. But our songs are being invaded by the western music, band music & pop song. We should guard against their harmful effect & accept their good qualities only. The changes of the entertaining sources should not be encouraged. To preserve our culture is our sacred duty. In other words, culture reflects the inner life of a nation.

The State of the Street Children

The condition of the street children is deplorable. It has become a grim issue in Bangladesh. They have no family environment. These children have no hearth & home. They have to live under the open sky. They roam around in the city in search of livelihood. They somehow manage a room to sleep somewhere at night. But all too often, they pass their nights in the street under the open sky. They earn their livelihood by working hard. They have to do many hazardous jobs. They are low paid & are deprived of education & health care & nutrition. They are always exploited & repressed easily. Most of the street children have no family identity. They are born & brought up in the streets. Most of them are forsaken by their parents. Some of them have rather father or mother. They are deprived of parental love, affection & care. They are deprived of the happiness & security of family life. They suffer from the lack of education & health care, safe water, proper fo...

The Effective Method of Learning a Language

There is no single right method of learning a language. The main ways are reading, listening, writing, speaking, memorizing, learning grammar & so on. They vary from person to person. Students often memorizing English topics to pass the exams. Some love to listen to English on CNN & BBC programs. Some read English newspapers & novels & the rest like to speak in English with their friends. But in my opinion, learners should work simultaneously with all the four skills of language i.e. reading, writing, listening & speaking. It is better to practice English without too much attention on being correct all the time. I always try to improve my English by using all the skills at a time. It works well. I fell myself fairly well in English & am happy with my overall progress. I know I should not lose heart if & when I get stuck or commit mistakes.