was a time when Bangladesh had a very poor transportation system. But it is
developing day by day. Highways, roads, big bridges are being constructed now.
Transports of various kinds are available today. Among them travelling by train
is the safest & most comfortable. The transports which are mostly available
can be named as train, plane, launch, bus, car, tempo, coaster etc. It must be
admitted that one must face hazards in travelling. The first hazard one faces
is concerned with time schedule. Secondly, whether the transports are fit to
move or not. Thirdly, rush of passengers. Fourthly, damage of roads by floods,
traffic jam & impact of bad, clumsy & inclement weather in connection
with plane & launch journey. The transport authority should frequently
check whether the transports which ply to & from different directions, are
fit to move or not. In addition, roads & highways should be developed.
Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit & mind sound. There lies a close connection between body & mind. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active & the muscles strong. It also improve our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rust for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes inactive & weak for want of exercise. So we should take regular physical exercise in order to maintain a sound health and lead a happy life.