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Advertisement attract people’s attention & make them buy the advertised product. Advertisements are an indispensable part in the process of marketing a product. The people are induced to buy a product when they are aware of the quality or  usefulness of the article. And advertisement dose this function effectively. The advertising firms prepare advertisements on payment & supply them to the people who want to advertise their products. The negative aspect of advertisement is that sometimes the buyers are misled and cheated by it & the cost of advertisement is added to the product.

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit & mind sound. There lies a close connection between body & mind. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active & the muscles strong. It also improve our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rust for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes inactive & weak for want of exercise. So we should take regular physical exercise in order to maintain a sound health and lead a happy life.

Sunset Scene

A sunset scene is a splendid scene. The mellow sun going down over the western horizon looks like a golden disc. Trees & plants, crops & creepers-everything is lip up with a golden glow. The pieces of floating clouds look like a stretch of fire. As the sun reflects through the rivers, canals and ponds they seem to enshrine in their bosoms a golden ball with outstretched luster of liquid fire. Then gradually the sun sinks below across the hazy trees at the distant horizon. The night falls with a pall of darkness. The sun sets for the night and leaves the world under the reign of darkness to rule the roost.


Tea is a kind of dried leaves which is got from tea plants. It is a popular drink. It grows in China , India , Japan , Indonesia , Ceylon & Bangladesh . It grows on the dry slopes of hills. It grows on hilly areas where water does not stay. Tea plant grows twenty to thirty feet high. They are not allowed to grow so high in the garden. They are prune & allowed to grow from three to four feet high. There are four crops in a year. The leaves & buds are rolled over by a machine & dried in the sun & air. Black tea is got by drying slowly & green tea is got by drying quickly. The dried leaves are packed & are ready for sale. It is easy to prepare tea as a drink. Water is first boiled in a kettle. Then a quantity of dried leaves are put in it. Milk & sugar may be mixed with it. Tea is refreshing & stimulating. It removes fatigue. It’s an antidote to cancer. Tea is one of the cash crops of Bangladesh . We earn a lot of foreign currency by exporting it.

Tea Stall

A tea stall is a small shop. Tea is mainly served here to people. A tea stall is a common sight in the town & village markets. We may find it in the street sides, at the bus, the lunch & the railway stations, in the front of an office, by the side of a cinema hall. A few benches or chairs with tables are placed in a tea-stall. The customers sit here for taking tea & light refreshment. It is frequented by the weary passers-by, the tired official assistants, the fatigued laborers  the exhausted rickshaw pullers as well as the students & political workers. While taking tea they go o gossiping in groups on any kind of subject & it is called a mini Sangsad. It is, in fact, a pleasure resort of people of all age groups & of all walks of life. It opens early in the morning & closes late at night. People of various classes & tastes gather here.  As a result, it is usually a busy place where people can share their weal & woe.

Rainy Day

The day when it rains all day long is called a rainy day. Such a day in seen in our country generally in the rainy season. On a rainy day the sky is covered with black clouds. The sun is not seen. The weather is rough. It looks gloomy all around. When it rains called cats and dogs. River, tanks, wells, canals etc. are filled with water to the brim. The road becomes muddy and slippers. No man can go out without umbrella. Passers-by walk along with shoes in hand and clothes folded up. They have the risk of a foot-slip. Schools do not sit and the students enjoy an unexpected holiday at home. On a rainy day the poor and the day laborer of our country suffer much. They can’t go out of their house in search of work. Often they pass a rainy day in starvation. The domestic animals keep standing in their sheds. A rainy day is an important day for poets, authors and intellectual persons. On such a day poets can compose poems, writers can write stories. After all a rainy day is dull and it is no...

Grameen Bank

Grameen means pertaining to the villagers or rural areas. So Grameen Bank is the financial institution that works for the poor rural people in Bangladesh. This conception was introduced by Dr. Muhammad Yonus, Professor of Economics at Chittagong University in Bangladesh. He understood that the country could never proper without improving the lot of the rural people who form the vast majority of our population. So he came up with the idea of micro-credit & established. Grameen Bank only the poor & landless people are eligible for getting loans from the Bank. There are some procedures of getting the loan. Before getting the loan, people have to make 5-6 groups of workers each having 5 members. The members should be disciplined. Basically the group Chairperson is responsible for disciplinary activities. The borrows are given advice to make the best use of money. People can repay the interest & the borrowed money from their profits. The bank has brought a revolutionary change ...