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Showing posts with the label common

Common Foods of Bangladesh

In Bangladesh the common foods are rice, fish & pulses. People also eat, wheat, potatoes & other seasonal vegetables, beef, mutton, chicken, eggs, bread & other bakery products & all sorts of local fruits. Among fishes shrimps & hilsa are exported abroad &, they are therefore expensive & rare. All these, we call common foods, because these are available in Bangladesh & people like them very much as well. We can find them around us. Most of our food items are nutritious. All fruits are also rich in food value. We like all these Bangladeshi foods because we are habituated to eat them. It’s a sense of nationalism, that prompts us to take indigenous items of food & fruits.

Tea Stall

A tea stall is a small shop. Tea is mainly served here to people. A tea stall is a common sight in the town & village markets. We may find it in the street sides, at the bus, the lunch & the railway stations, in the front of an office, by the side of a cinema hall. A few benches or chairs with tables are placed in a tea-stall. The customers sit here for taking tea & light refreshment. It is frequented by the weary passers-by, the tired official assistants, the fatigued laborers  the exhausted rickshaw pullers as well as the students & political workers. While taking tea they go o gossiping in groups on any kind of subject & it is called a mini Sangsad. It is, in fact, a pleasure resort of people of all age groups & of all walks of life. It opens early in the morning & closes late at night. People of various classes & tastes gather here.  As a result, it is usually a busy place where people can share their weal & woe.