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Mobile Phone

Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of modern science. It has added a new dimension to our life & to communication system. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. It can move easily & quickly from place to place. Through mobile phone, we can send manages to distance places, play games & sports, know about the time, solve the work of calculation, be aware of different kinds of news & views. At present the popularity of mobile phone is increasing. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of mobile phone is also decreasing in comparison with the past people are being encouraged to buy a mobile phone. In a very single moment we can communicate with the people living in a very distance place. With its advantages, the mobile phone has some draw backs in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per-minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot posses. Scientist have recently discovered that mobile phone can c


Internet is the latest discovery of science & the greatest advancement in the field of communication. It is the computerized process with telephone set. To get internet connection, it requires a modem telephone line & different sort of software for using the network system. Like telephone number internet is maintained by its own number. There are two types of internet. They are on-line internet and off-line internet. Internet usually gets connection from thee networking systems. They are LAN (Local Area Network), Man (Metropolitan Area Network) & WAN (World Wide Area Network). Now-a-days an internet is great use to us. It has made the world smaller and brought the world within our reach. We can get information on every matter within a very short time. It has widened our knowledge & made us more thirsty for the unknown. It is a miracle. It works like Aladin’s magic lamp.