Once Napoleon said, give me an educated mother & I will give you an educated nation. This statement prove the importance of female education. In Bangladesh there are still some contradictory views about female education. Many illiterate parents think that educating their daughters is just wasting time & money, for they are soon married off and are of little help. But with all these beliefs people are coming forward to educate their daughters. It has taken a positive turn. Gender discrimination is the prime barrier on the way of female education. Illiteracy, fanaticism etc. are the reasons behind the barrier. Female education is of prime importance for the coordinated development of a country. Education enlightens our mind, develops our abilities & gives us the knowledge of health, sanitation & population control. In fact, neglecting the women folk no nation can develop. So, in order to achieve progress & prosperity, we must more emphasis on female education. But if ...
The new way of education