A library
is a collection of books of different kinds written by different writers. A
library is very essential to an education institution, because it is the
storehouse of knowledge & most important for teachers & students. Our
school possesses a library. It is on the grand floor of our school building. It
is in the south-west corner & separated from the main building where the
classes sit. The library consists of our rooms. Every room is very wide having
rows of book-cases & bookshelves. There are eight thousand books in our
library. There are arranged class-wise in different shelves. The collection of
books covers a wide range of subjects. The library is a part & parcel of
student life. It gives the students an opportunity for free reading according
to their taste & choice. Students can peacefully go there & borrow
books from the library according to their need. To understand a text-book fully
we sometimes need other books. Our library meets this need. Our school library
is a great boon to us. It plays an important role in our student life. We
should try our best to make the best use of the library.
Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit & mind sound. There lies a close connection between body & mind. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active & the muscles strong. It also improve our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rust for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes inactive & weak for want of exercise. So we should take regular physical exercise in order to maintain a sound health and lead a happy life.