village market is a place where villagers meet to buy & sell things. It is
a useful buying & selling center for the villagers. It generally sit at an
open place on the outskirt of a village by the side of a river or a
canal or a road. There are two kinds of village markets. Many of them sit once
or twice a week. These are called hats. Again, big & rich villages have
daily bazaars. Hats usually sit in the evening while bazaars sit in the morning
& continue till mid-day. There are permanent & temporary shops in a
village market. On the market day many shops sit outside under the open sky.
Rice, vegetables, fish, poultry & homemade things are bought & sold in
the market. Fist & betel leaves have the largest sale. A village market is
the meeting place of the villagers. They also get news & views from here.
Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit & mind sound. There lies a close connection between body & mind. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active & the muscles strong. It also improve our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rust for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes inactive & weak for want of exercise. So we should take regular physical exercise in order to maintain a sound health and lead a happy life.