winter morning is misty & cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes
the fog is so dense that the sun rays can’t get through it. Even things at a
little distance can hardly be seen. Bird’s chipping is not heard. The cow &
other animals can’t come out. But it is not so in every morning. Dew drops fall
on leaves & blades of grass at night. They look like glittering pears when
the rays of the morning sun fall on them. Village children & people have
hardly warm cloths. They gather straw & dry leaves to make fire to warm
themselves. The old & the poor busk in the sun in order to warm themselves.
People in general & children get up late. So everyone is busy to taking
breakfast, dressing & getting ready for going to their respective places.
In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious & sweet cakes & many other
things. The scene of the winter morning vanishes as the day advances. The sun
goes up & the fog melts. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.
Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit & mind sound. There lies a close connection between body & mind. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active & the muscles strong. It also improve our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rust for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes inactive & weak for want of exercise. So we should take regular physical exercise in order to maintain a sound health and lead a happy life.